Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic acupuncture is a safe and effective way to replenish collagen, reduce inflammation, brighten the skin and calm the spirit. With a series of 10 treatments, people report:
- A reduction or elimination of fine lines
- A softening of deeper lines
- An overall lifting of skin
- Reduction in jowls
- Reduction or elimination of acne scars
- Softer skin
- Smoother skin
- More vibrant skin
- Better sleep
- A feeling of calm
We use the Mei Zen cosmetic protocols for the face and neck.
A case of jowl and fine line reduction
The pictures below show a woman in her sixties before and after a series of neck treatments. She experienced a reduction of jowls and fine lines with cosmetic acupuncture.
Make an Appointment
PHONE 614-233-1609