Red Peony & Fennel Fruit Menstrual Pain Formula
An effective alternative to alleviate menstrual pain
Red Peony & Fennel Fruit Menstrual Pain Formula is based on a classic formula from a book originally published in 1830. Brette adapted this formula for a patient who couldn’t take all of the herbs in the classical formula. She changed the formula, taking out those herbs and adding in others that are good for menstrual pain. Her patient loved it. Over the next few years, Krystal, Keri and Brette prescribed Red Peony & Fennel Fruit to other patients who also had great results with it. They even hired a wonderful pharmacy in California to make a tincture version of it. Unfortunately, the tincture version was not as effective as the powder version. So, they began packaging a powder version of it using KPC granules.
- Red Peony & Ligusticum - antispasmodic to alleviate cramping.
- Fennel Fruit, Dried Ginger, and Cinnamon Bark - warm the uterus (like a heating pad from the inside) and help with digesting the other herbs.
- Corydalis and Myrrh - analgesics to help with pain.
- Bulrush and Notoginseng - adaptogens that both invigorate blood and stop bleeding. Some women need (to be overly descriptive) clots to come out for their pain to stop while others have excessive bleeding that needs to stop. The adaptogens are wonderful because they can help in both of these situations, and they don't cause issues for women who have neither excessive clots nor bleeding.
This formula has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease